Use of mobilisation facors in soil strength for overturning and sliding stability
(too old to reply)
2009-01-12 06:24:41 UTC
Can anyone advise how is mobilisation factors use in limit equilibrium
calculation for overturning and sliding stability check of retaining wall?
2009-01-14 13:21:40 UTC
(Bond, Harris: Decoding Eurocode 7)
Mobilization factors reduce the passive earth pressure (or other bearing
resistance) to allowable value. The standard does not specify how low this
fraction (a sufficiently low fraction of the ground strength is mobilised)
should be.

For conventional structures founded on clays:
Verification of serviceability: Ek<=Rk/3
Ek: characteristic effect of actions,
Rk: characteristic resistance
3: partial resistance factor of serviceability limit state (mobilization

CZAP Zoltan, Bp. Musz. es Gazd. tud. Egyetem (BME), Geotechnikai Tansz.

(Mr. Zoltan CZAP, Dept. of Geotechnics, Budapest Univ. of Techn. and Econ.)

H-1521 Budapest, Pf. 91.
Post by ----
Can anyone advise how is mobilisation factors use in limit equilibrium
calculation for overturning and sliding stability check of retaining wall?