Dear all, I have an ever growing lists of solution manuals and
testbanks. If what you required is on the lists, do contact me at
Even if your required is not on the lists, do email me as I might have
them and I didn't add them to my lists!
A Level Accounting (3e) by Harold Randall
A Quantum Approach to Condensed Matter Physics by Philip L Taylor
Accounting Principles (8 edition) by J. Weygandt, Donald E. Kieso,
Walter G Kell
Accounting Concepts and Applications 9e by Albrecht, Stice, Stice,
Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig - 9th edition
(Solution Manual + Presentation Slides)
Advanced Engineering Mathematics by Erwin Kreyszig - 8th edition
Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 6th Edition Peter V. O'Neil
Advanced Financial Accounting 6e by Richard E. Baker, Valdean C.
Lembke, Thomas E. King
Applied Statistics And Probability For Engineers by Montgomery Runger
(Third Edition)
ADAPTIVE FILTER THEORY (Fourth Edition) by Haykin
A First Course in Differential Equations With Modeling Applications (7
edition) + Differential Equations With Boundary Value Problems (5th
Edition) = Dennis G. Zill
A First Course In Probabiilty by Sheldon Ross 8 Edition
A First Course in Probability by Sheldon Ross 7 Edition
A First Course in Probability by Sheldon Ross 6 edition
Applied Partial Differential Equations with Fourier Series and
Boundary Value Problems (Fourth Edition) by Richard Haberman
Applied Fluid Mechanics (6e) by Robert L. Mott
Analytical Mechanics (7 edition) by Fowler & Cassiday
Advanced Macroeconomics by David Romer
An Introduction to Signals and Systems by John Stuller
An Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations by James Robinson
A First Course in the Finite Element Method (4th Edition) by Daryl L.
Logan (Chapter 1-5, 10-16 only)
A First Course in Abstract Algebra (7th edition) by John B.
Auditing and Assurance Services: An Integrated Approach (11e) by Alvin
A. Arens, Randal J Elder and Mark Beasley
Auditing and Assurance Services (12e) by Arens, Alvin
Adaptive Control By Karl Johan Åström, Björn Wittenmark (2e)
Artificial Intelligence - Modern Approach By Stuart Jonathan Russell,
Peter Norvig, John F. Canny (2e)
An Introduction to Database Systems (8Ed) by C.J.Date
Advanced Engineering Mathematics Dennis G. Zill, Michael R. Cullen
(Published 2006)
An Interactive Introduction to Mathematical Analysis by Lewin
Advanced Modern Engineering Mathematics by Glyn James (3e)
Antennas for all Applications 3rd Ed. by Kraus & Marhefka
A Course in Game Theory By Martin J. Osborne, Ariel Rubinstein
Applied Strength of Materials (4e) by Robert L. Mott
A First Course in String Theory by Barton Zwiebach
A Short Introduction to Quantum Information and Quantum Computation by
Michel Le Bellac
A First Course in Abstract Algebra 3e by Joseph J.Rotman
Applied Strength of Materials 5e by Robert L. Mott
An Introduction to The Finite Element Method (3e) by J.N.Reddy
Accounting Information Systems (9e) by George H.Bodnar and William
S.Hopwood - Solution Manual + Testfile
Auditing Cases An Interactive Learning Approach (4e) by Mark S
Beasley, Frank A. Buckless, Steven M Glover, Douglas F Prawitt
Auditing and Assurance Services An Integrated Approach and ACL
Software (12e) by Alvin Arens, Randal J. Elder, Mark Beasley -
Solution Manual + Testbank + Testgen
Auditing Cases: An Interactive Learning Approach (4e) by Mark S
Beasley, Frank A Buckless, Steven M Glover, Douglas F Prawitt
Accessing the WAN, CCNA Exploration Labs and Study Guide 1e by John
Auditing and Assurance Services An Integrated Approach 13e by Alvin A
Arens, Randal J Elder and Mark S Beasley
Advanced Accounting 3e by Debra C. Jeter, Paul Chaney
Accounting Info Systems 10e by George H. Bodnar, William S. Hopwood
Beer Statics 7th Edition (Chapter 2-10)
Basic Probability Theory by Robert B Ash
Bond Markets, Analysis and Strategies 6e by Frank J Fabozzi
Business Statistics (A Decision Making Approach), Groebner, Shannon,
Fry, Smith, 7
Basic Electrical Engineering By Nagrath, D P Kothari, Nagrath D P
Kothari I J Nagrath, I J Nagrath
Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis, Student Problem Solving Companion
by J. David Irwin, R. Mark Nelms (9e)
Basic Engineering Circuit Analysis (8e) by J. David Irwin, R. Mark
Book-keeping and Accounts (7E) by Frank Wood and Sheila Robinson
Business Data Communications (6e) by William Stallings - Project
Manual + Solution Manual + Testbank
Business Data Communications (5e) by William Stallings - Solution
Manual + Testbank
Business Statistics - A First Course 4e by David M. Levine, Timothy C.
Krehbiel, Mark L. Berenson
Business Ethics Ethical Decision Making and Cases 7e by O.C.Ferrell,
John Fraedrich, Linda Ferrell
Bond Markets, Analysis, and Strategies 7e by Frank J Fabozzi
Calculus A Complete Course by Robert A. Adams (Sixth Edition)
Calculus Early Transcendental Functions 3e by Smith-Minton (Student
Solution Manual)
Calculus by Michael Spivak (Third Edition)
Calculus and Its Applications by Goldstein (11e)
Calculus Early Transcendentals Single Variable (8e) by Howard Anton,
Irl C.Bivens and Stephen L Davis
calculus Early Transcendentals by Edwards Penny (7e)
Calculus by Strauss, Bradley, Smith (Third Edition) - Chapter
6,7,10,11,12, 13
Complex Variables with Applications by A David Wunsch & Michael F.
Brown(Third Edition)
C++ How To Program 3/e by Dietel & Dietel
Cmos Digital Integrated Circuits by Sung-Mo Kang,Yusuf Leblebici
ISBN-10: 0070380465 ISBN-13: 9780070380462
Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems by Stephen T. Thornton
Computer Networking A Top-Down Approach (4e) by Kurose
Computer system architecture (3e) by Morris Mano
Communication Systems (4e) by Simon Haykin
Control systems Principles and Design 2e by Madan Gopal
Calculus Early Transcendentals (5e) by James Stewart
Cryptography and Network Security: Principles and Practice (4e) by
William Stallings
Competency-Based Management by Slocum, Jackson, Hellriegel 2008
International Student Edition
Computer Organization and Architecture Designing for Performance by
Stallings (7e)
Computer Networking A Top-down Approach Featuring the Internet By
James F. Kurose, Keith W. Ross (3e)
Cost Accounting Creating Value for Management (5e) by Michael Maher
Coulson and Richardson's Chemical Enginering Vol 6 (4e) by By R K
Computer Organization and Design (3e) by David A. Patterson and John
L. Hennessy
Classical Dynamics: A Contemporary Approach by Jorge V.Jose, Eugene J
C++ How to Program (6e) by Deitel & Deitel - Solution Manual, Code
Solution, Lab Manual
CMOS VSLI Design A Circuits and Systems Perspective (3e) by Neil Weste
and David Harris
Computer Organization and Architecture Designing for Performance (8e)
by William Stallings - Project Manual + Solution Manual
Complex Variables and Applications 8e by Brown, Churchill - Student
solution Manual
Complex Variables and Applications 7e by Brown, Churchill - Student
solution Manual (Selected Solutions to Exercises in Chapter 1-7)
Cost Accounting 13e by Horngren - Contain solutions to all chapters
except Chapter 10
Construction Accounting & Financial Management (2e) by Steven J.
Calculus and Its Applications (12e) by Goldstein, Schneider, Lay and
Corporate Financial Management 3e by Douglas R. Emery, John D.
Finnerty, John D. Stowe
Data and Computer Communications (7e) by William Stallings
Digital Signal Processing by Proakis Manolakis
Digital Signal Processing - A Modern Introduction (1st Edition) by
Ashok Ambardar
Digital Communications - Fundamentals and Applications 2e by Bernard
Digital Design Fourth Edition by M.Morris Mano and Michael D. Ciletti
Differential Equations and Linear Algebra by Edwards, Penny (Second
Differential Equations With Boundary Value Problems (Second Edition)
John Polking, David Arnold
Differential Equations With Boundary Value Problems (Second Edition)
Edwards & Penny
Discrete Mathematics With Applications 3e by Susanna S.Epp
Discrete-Time Signal Processing 2e by Alan V. Oppenheim, Ronald W.
Schafer, John R. Buck
Digital Design (4th Edition)by M.Morris Mano, Michael D.Ciletti
Digital Signal Processing using Matlab (2nd Edition) By Vnay K Ingle
Digital Signal Processing by Andreas Antoniou
Digital Control and state variable methods by M.Gopal(2nd Edition)
Derivatives Market (2nd Edition) by McDonald (Full Solution Manual) +
Design and analysis of experiments (6 edition) by Montgomery - Chapter
2,3, 4(2001), 5(2001), 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
Digital and Analog Communication Systems 7th Ed, Leon W. Couch
Design with Operational Amplifiers & Analog Integrated Circuits (3e)
by Franco Sergio
Device Electronics for Integrated Circuits (3e) by Richard S. Muller,
Theodore I. Kamins
Design Machinery (4e) by Norton
Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems Computing and
Modeling (4e) by Edwards, Penney
Differential Equations and Linear Algebra (3E) by C. Henry Edwards and
David E. Penney
Differential Equations and Linear Algebra (3e) by Stephen W.Goode and
Scott A. Annin
Elementary Differential Equations And Boundary by Boyce Diprima
Student Solution Manual (7th edition)
Elementary Differential Equation With Boundary Value Problem by Boyce
(8th edition)
Elementary Differential Equations With Boundary Value Problems 6th
edition by Edwards and Penny
Engineering Mechanics dynamics 11th edition Hibbeler (It cover Chapter
12 to 22)
Engineering Mechanics Statics 11th Edition By R.C.Hibbeler
Engineering Electromagnetics by Nathan Ida 2e
Engineering Circuit Analysis (7e) by William H. Hayt Jr
Electric Machinery by A. E. Fitzgerald (Sixth Edition)
Electric Machines Analysis and Design Applying MATLAB by Jim Cathey
(Chapter 2-7)
Engineering Mechanics Dynamics Volume 2 by J. L. Meriam, L. G. Kraige
(5th edition)
Electric Machinery Fundamentals 4e by Stephen J Chapman
Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory (8th Edition) by Robert
Engineering Electromagnetics (7 edition) by Hayt
Elementary Number Theory (5th Edition) Kenneth Rosen
Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications 9e By Howard Anton, Chris
Rorres (Instructor and Student Solution Manual and Testbank)
Electric Circuits (7 & 8th edition) by Nilsson and Riedel
Engineering Mechanics Statics (5e) by Bedford and Fowler (Chapter 1 -
11 solution manual + Assignment)
Engineering Mechanics statics (6e) Meriam Kraige
Engineering Mechanics Dynamics in SI units by Bedford & Fowler (5e)
(Animations + Chapter 12-21 Solution Manual)
Elementary Linear Algebra by K.R.Matthews
Engineering and Chemical Thermodynamics by Stanley Sandler (3e)
Elementary Differential Equations by Edwards and Penny (Title could
not verified)
Engineering Fluid mechanics 8e by Roberson
Electromagnetics for Engineers by Fawwaz T. Ulaby
Elements of Power system analysis by Stevenson and Grainer
Electronics 2e by Allan R.Hambley
Engineering Mathematics (4e) by John Bird
Elements of Electromagnetics by Sadiku (3e)
Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications (9E) by Bernard Kolman and
David Hill
Electrical Engineering Principles and Applications (4E) by Allan R.
Engineering Mechanics - Dynamics (10e) by Hibbeler
Engineering Economy 14e by William G. Sullivan, Elin M. Wicks and C.
Patrick Koelling
Electronic Devices and Circuit Theory (10e) by Boylestad and Nashelsky
- Solution Manual + Laboratory Solution Manual + Testbank
Engineering Mechanics - Statics (12e) by Russell C. Hibbeler
E-Marketing 5e by Judy Strauss, Raymond Frost - Testbank only
Economics 7e by William Boyes, Michael Melvin
Fluid Mechanics Fundamentals and Applications by Cengel & Cimbala
Fluid Mechanics and Thermodynamics of Turbomachinery (5e) by S.L.
Frank Wood Business Accounting 1&2 (10e) Solution Manual + Testbank +
Presentation Slides
Frank Wood Business Accounting 1&2 (11e) Solution Manual +
Presentation Slides
Frank Wood Business Accounting UK GAAP Volume 1&2 by Frank Wood and
Alan Sangster
Fundamentals of Financial Management by Brigham (10th edition) -
Testbank, Solution Manual, Spreadsheet solution
Financial Management Theory and Practice by Brigham 10, 11 and 12
edition - Solution manual and testbank
Fundamentals of Signals and Systems Using the Web and Matlab, (3E) by
E.W Kamen and B.S. Heck
Financial Accounting and Reporting by Jamie and Barry Elliott (11e/
12e) - Instructor Manual, Powerpoint slides, Assessment Questions
Financial Accounting and Reporting International Edition (2E) by
Elliott & Elliott
Financial Accounting 9e by Albrecht, Stice, Stice, Swain
Fracture Mechanics- Fundamentals & Applications (2nd ed) by T.L.
Fundamentals of applied electromagnetics by Fawaz T. Ulaby (5e)
Fundamentals of Corporate Finance (8e) by Ross, Westerfield, and
Fundamentals of Electric Circuits (2e) by Alexander & Sadiku
Fundamentals of Electric Circuits by Alexander & Sadiku (3e)
Fundamentals of thermodynamics (6e) by Claus Borgnakke, Richard E.
Fundamentals of electronic circuit design (2003) by david donald comer
Fundamentals of heat transfer by Frank P Incropera (5e)
Fundamentals of Solid state Electronics by Chih-Tang Sah
Fundamentals of Thermal-Fluid Sciences by Yunus A. Cengel, Robert H.
Turner, Yunus Cengel, Robert Turner
Fundamentals of Differential Equations 7e by Nagle, Saff and Snider
(ISBN-10 0321388445, ISBN-13 9780321388445)
Fundamentals of differential equations and boundary value problems
(5e) by Nagle
Fundamentals of Derivatives Markets 1e by Robert L. McDonald
Fundamentals of Financial Management 13e by J. Van Horne, John M
Further Mathematics for Economic Analysis (2e) by Sydsarter, Hammond,
Seierstad, Strom
Fluency with Information Technology Skills, Concepts, and
Capabilities, 3E by Synder - Testbank, Solution Manual, Workbook
solution, Source code for applicable chapters
Field and Wave Electromagnetics 2e by David K. Cheng
Fundamentals of Complex Analysis with Applications to Engineering,
Science, and Mathematics (3e) by Edward B.Saff and Arthur David Snider
Fundamentals of Database Systems (4e) by Elmasri and Navathe
Fundamentals of Database Systems (5e) by Elmasri and Navathe
Formulation, Implementation and Control of Competitive Strategy 11e by
John Pearce
Fundamentals of Structural Analysis 3e by Kenneth M. Leet
Financial Accounting 10e by Carl S. Warren, James M. Reeve, Jonathan
Financial Accounting 11e by Carl S. Warren, James M. Reeve, Jonathan
Gas Dynamics 3e by James E.A.John and THeo G. Keith
Gravity An Introduction to Einstein's General Relativity by James B.
General Chemistry 8e by Darrell D. Ebbing, Steven D. Gammon [Chapter 1
- 11]
HM12 Geometry and Discrete Mathematics
Heat Transfer: A Practical Approach 2e by Yunus A. Cengel, Yunus
Heat and Mass Transfer 3e by Yunus A. Cengel
Hazard City - Assignments in Applied Geology 3e by Hobart A. King,
Brett Carpenter, Nicole Wilson
Introduction to Operations Research by Hillier (7th edition)
Introduction to Mathematical Statistics (6e) by Robert V Hogg, Joseph
W. McKean, Allen T Craig
Introduction to Econometrics 2e by James H. Stock, Mark W. Watson
Introduction to Probability - Charles M Grinstead and J Laurie Snell
Introduction to Algorithms-Cormen
Introduction to Mechatronics and Measurements Systems (2e) by David G.
Alciatore and Michael B. Histand
Intermediate Accounting by Kieso (12 edition)
Intermediate Accounting by Kieso (10e)
Intermediate Accounting by Spiceland, Sepe, Tomassini (Revised 4th
Introduction to Linear Algebra by Gilbert Strang (Third Edition)
Introduction to Probability - Charles M Grinstead and J Laurie Snell
Introduction to Analysis (3rd edition) by Wade
Introduction to Solid State Physics (8th Edition) by Charles Kittel
Introduction to electrodynamics 3rd edition by David Griffiths
Introduction to Electric Circuits (6e) by Dorf & Svoboda
Introduction to Electric Circuits (7e) by Dorf, Svaboda
Introduction to VLSI Circuits and Systems by John P. Uyemura
Fundamentals of Complex Analysis by E. Saff and A. Sinder
Introduction to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics by J.M. Smith,
Hendrick C Van Ness, Michael Abbott
Introduction to Optics (3e) by Frank L Pedrotti, Leno M Pedrotti and
Leno S Pedrotti
Industrial Mechanics and Maintenance (3e) by Larry Chastain
Introductory Circuit Analysis (11e) by Robert L. Boylestad - Solution
Manual + Laboratory Solution Manual + Testbank
Introduction to Management Science (9e) by Bernard W.Taylor - Solution
Manual, Testbank, Testgen
Introductory Linear Algebra An Applied First Course (8e) by Bernard
Kolman and David R.Hill
Introduction to Mathematical Statistics and Its Applications (4e) by
Richard J Larsen and Morris L Marx
Introduction to the Design and Analysis of Experiments by George C
Canavos and John A Koutroubelis
Introduction to Management Accounting (Chapters 1-17) 14e by Charles
T. Horngren, Gary L. Sundem, William O. Stratton, Jeff Schatzberg,
Dave Burgstahler
International Business 12e by John Daniels, Lee Radebaugh, Daniel
Sullivan - Testbank only
International Economics - Theory and Policy 8e by Paul R. Krugman,
Maurice Obstfeld
Journey Into Mathematics By Rotman
Kinematics - Design of Machinery (3e) by Robert Norton (Chapter 2 -
Logic and Computer Design Fundamental (4th Edition) by Mano
LAN Switching and Wireless, CCNA Exploration Labs and Study Guide by
Allan Johnson Copyright 2008
Linear Systems and Signals by B.P.Lathi
Linear Algebra and Its Applications (3rd Edition) by David Lay
Linear Algebra with Applications (3e) by W.K. Nicholson
Linear Algebra By Jim Hefferon
Linear Algebra with Applications (6e) by Steven J Leon
Linear Algebra with Applications (4E) by Otto Bretscher
Lakeside Company Case Studies in Auditing 11e by John M. Trussel and
J.Douglas Frazer
Linear Algebra with Applications (7e) by Steven J. Leon
Mathematical Statistics With Applications by John E.Freund Seventh
Mathematical Thinking Problem-Solving and Proofs 2e by John P.
D'Angelo Angelo and Douglas B. West
Miller & Freund's Probability and Statistics for Engineers 7th edition
Managerial Accounting: Creating Value in a Dynamic Business Environment
(6e) by Ronald W.Hilton
Managerial Accounting: Creating Value in a Dynamic Business Environment
(7e) by Ronald W.Hilton
Managerial Accounting: Creating Value in a Dynamic Business Environment
(8e) by Ronald W.Hilton
Mechanics of materials by hibbeler (6th edition)
Mechanics of materials by hibbeler (7th edition)
Mechanics of materials by James M.Gere (6th edition)
Mechanics of Materials (7th Edition) by James M. Gere and Barry Goodno
Modern Control Systems (11e) by Richard C. Dorf and Robert H.Bishop
materials science and engineering by callister (7th edition) - Chapter
2 - 23
Materials Science and Engineering An Introduction by Callister 6e
Multivariable Calculus 4e by McCallum, Hughes-Hallett, Gleason Chapter
12-20 + Appendix Solutions
MATLAB Programming for Engineers (3rd edition) by Stephen J. Chapman
ISBN 0534390560
Modern Digital Signal Processing Roberto Cristi
Modern Control Systems (4e) by K Ogata
Mathematical Analysis, Second Edition by Tom M. Apostol (Except
Chapter 7)
Mathematical Methods for Physics and Engineering (3e) by K.F.Riley and
M.P.Hobson (Student Solution Manual)
Microelectronics circuit analysis by Donald A. Neamen (3e)
Microelectronic Circuits by Adel Sedra (5e)
Mechanics of Fluids by Merle C. Potter
Modern Control Engineering 3e by K. OGATA - Solution to B Problems
Managerial Accounting by Garrison Noreen (10e)
Management and Cost Accounting 6e by Colin Drury
Macroeconomics 5e by N. Gregory Mankiw
Machines and Mechanisms Applied Kinematic Analysis 3E by by David H.
Matrix Analysis and Applied Linear Algebra by Carl D. Meyer
Mechanical Engineering Design 8th Ed.-Shigley, Mischke & Budynas
(Chapter 1-12, 14-17, 20)
Mathematical Methods for Physicists by Arfken (not complete)
Management Information Systems - Managing the Digital Firm &
Multimedia 10e by Jane P. Laudon - Testbank
Microelectronic Circuit Design 3rd Ed.-Jaeger & Blalock
Mechanics of Materials (6e) by William F. Riley, Leroy D. Sturges, Don
H. Morris
Materials and Processes in Manufacturing (9e) by E. Paul DeGarmo
Mechanical Engineering Design (8e) by Shigley
Mechanical Vibrations (3e) by Singiresu S. Rao (Missing Chapter
Medical Imaging Signals and Systems by Jerry L. Prince, Jonathan Links
Mathematical Models in Biology: An Introduction by Elizabeth S.
Allman, John A. Rhodes
Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences (3e) by Mary L. Boas
Modern Power System Analysis (3e) by D.P.Kothari I.J.Nagrath
Microeconomics (7e) by Robert Pindyck and Daniel Rubinfeld - Solution
Manual + Testbank
Managerial Accounting - A Focus on Ethical Decision Making 5e by
Jackson, Sawyers, Jenkins
Managing Business Ethics Straight Talk About How To Do It Right 4e by
Linda K Trevino, Katherine A. Nelson
Management Information Systems 10e by Raymond McLeod, George Schell
Management 10e by Stephen P. Robbins, Mary Coulter
Management Accounting 5e by Anthony A. Atkinson, Robert S. Kaplan,
Ella Mae Matsumura, S. Mark Young
Management Information Systems 11e by Ken Laudon, Jane Laudon
Ahuja (Author), Thomas L. Magnanti (Author), James B. Orlin (Author)
Numerical methods for engineers 5e by Chapra
New Era of Management 2e by Richard Daft International Student Edition
Numerical Solution of Partial Differential Equations: An Introduction
by K. W. Morton , D. F. Mayers
Numerical Analysis With Applications by Curtis, Gerald & Patrick (7e)
Operating Systems Concepts (6th Edition) by Abraham Silberschatz
Optimal Control Theory An Introduction by Donald.E.Kirk
Operating Systems By William Stallings (4e)
Organic Chemistry (5th ed) by Robert C.Atkins and Francis A Carey
(Student Solution Manual)
Operations Research An Introduction (8E) by Hamdy A. Taha
Options, Futures, and Other Derivatives with Derivagem CD 7e by JOHN C
HULL - Testbank
Operating Systems Internals and Design Principles (6e) by William
Stallings - Project Manual + Solution Manual + Testbank + Testgen
Operations Management (9e) by Jay Heizer and Barry Render
Probability, Statistics, and Random Processes For Electrical
Engineering, 3e by Alberto Leon-Garcia
Probability & Statistics for Engineers & Scientists, 8th Edition by
Sharon Myers
Probability and Statistical Inference by Hogg & Tanis (7 edition)
Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 6th Edn by Serway and Jewett
Physics with Mastering Physics 3e by James S. Walker Volume 1 & 2
Electromagnetism 1e by Gerald Pollack, Daniel Stump - Problems and
Solutions to Exercises
Principles and Applications of Electrical Engineering by Giorgio
Principles of Neurocomputing for Science and Engineering, 1st Edition
by Fredric M. Ham
Principles of Auditing - An Introduction to International Standards on
Auditing (2e) by Rick Hayes, Roger Dassen, Arnold Schilder, Philip
Principles of Physics (4e) by Serway & Jewett Vol 1 & Vol 2
Physical Chemistry 7th edition by Peter Atkins & Julio de Paula
Principles of Geotechnical Engineering (6e) by Braja M. Das
Power Electronics Converters, Applications, and Design By Ned Mohan,
Tore M Undeland, William P Robbins
Power System Analysis 2e (2002) by Hadi Saadat
Probability & Statistics for Engineers & Scientists 8e by Ronald E.
Walpole, Raymond H. Myers, Sharon L. Myers, Keying Ye
Probability, Random Variables and Stochastic Processes 4e by
Athanasios Papoulis and S. Unnikrishna Pillai
Probability and Statistical Inference (8e) by Robert V. Hogg and
Elliot Tanis
Physics for Scientists & Engineers (4e) by Douglas C. Giancoli -
Solution Manual + Testbank (Vol 1, 2, 3)
Problem Solving with C++ (7e) by Walter Savitch - Solution Manual +
Performance Management 2e by Herman Aguinis - Solution Manual
Physics - Principles with Applications with MasteringPhysics 6e by
Douglas C. Giancoli - Testbank, Solution Manual(Chapter 1-15)
Probability and Statistical Inference 8e by Robert V. Hogg, Elliot
Physics for Scientists & Engineers 2e by Randall D Knight
Principles of Marketing 13e by Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong
Research Methods for Business Students 4e by Mark Saunders, Philip
Lewis, Adrian Thornhill
Reinforced Concrete - Mechanics and Design 4e by James G. MacGregor,
James K. Wight
Reinforced Concrete - Mechanics and Design 5e by James K. Wight, James
G. MacGregor
Signal Processing First by McClellan, Schafer and Yoder
Signals and Systems 2nd Edition Oppenheim, Willsky and Nawab
Signals and Systems (2e) by Haykin
Signals and Systems 2e by Alan V. Oppenheim, Alan S. Willsky, S. Hamid
Semiconductor Physics and Devices 3e by Donald A. Neamen [Exercise
Solution - Chapter 2 - 6, 11 - 12, 15 and Problem Solution - 1 - 10,
12 - 14]
Structural Analysis by Hibbeler 7th edition
Structural Analysis (3e) by ASLAM kASSIMALI
Structural and Stress Analysis (2e) by T.H.G. Megson Elsevier
System Dynamics and Response, 1st Edition by S. Graham Kelly
System Dynamics 3rd Ed. Solutions to B Problems (Ogata)
Semiconductor Device Fundamentals Devices by Robert F. Pierret
Solving ODEs with Matlab by Lawrence Shampine, Ian Gladwell, and Skip
Steel Design, (4th Edition) by William T. Segui
Statistical digital signal processing modeling by Monson H. Hayes
Strength of Materials 4th Ed. by Singer & Pytel
Signals and Systems - Analysis using Transform methods and MATLAB by
M. J. Roberts
Serway's & Jewett's Physics for Scientists and Engineers (6e Vol 1) by
Ralph V. McGrew
Solid State Electronic Devices (5e) by Ben G.Streetman, Sanjar
Structural Steel Design (4e) by Jack C. McCormac
Starting Out with Python by Tony Gaddis - Solution to Programming
Exercises, Solution to Review Questions, Testbanks
Strategic Management Concepts and Cases 12e by Fred David
Strategic Management and Business Policy 11e by Thomas L. Wheelen and
David L. Hunger
Thomas Calculus (11e)
The Art of Electronics by Paul Horowitz, Thomas C. Hayes - [Student
Solution Manual]
Thermodynamics - An Engineering Approach (6e) by Cengel and Boles
Theory and Design for Mechanical Measurements 4e by Donald E.
Beasley,R. S. Figliola [Chapter 1 - 10]
Transport Phenomena (2e) by R. Byron Bird, Stewart & Lightfoot
Traffic and Highway Engineering 3e by Nicholas J. Garber, Lester A.
The Economics of Money, Banking, and Financial Markets 7e by Frederic
S. Mishkin - Testbank (Create in v5.5)
The Economic Way of Thinking (11e) by Paul Heyne, Peter J Noettke and
David L Prychitko
The Economic Way of Thinking (12e) by Paul Heyne, Peter J Noettke and
David L Prychitko
The Science and Engineering of Materials 4e (2002) by Donald R.
Askeland, and Pradeep P. Phule
Unsaturated Soil Mechanics by Lu and Likos
University Chemistry 1e by Peter E. Siska - Testbank only
University Physics (12e) by Hugh D. Young, Roger A. Freedman, A. Lewis
Ford - Solution Manual (Volume 1 and Volume 2 and 3) + Testbank
Understanding and Managing Organizational Behavior 5E by Jennifer
George, Gareth Jones - Testbank
Vector Mechanics: Statics 7th Edition by Beer & Johnston (Chapter 2-6,
8-9 only)
Vector Mechanics for Engineers (7e) DYNAMICS by Beer & Johnston
(Chapter 11-19)
Vector Mechanics for Engineers Statics and Dynamics 8e by Beer
Wireless Communications (2e) by Theodore Rappaport