Urban Planning
(too old to reply)
2004-10-06 07:46:26 UTC
I am a high school student from india. i am part of a team that is
taking part in a space settlement design competition. we have to
design a complete city in earth orbit(not a very big one-it only
houses about 30000 people). i wud like to ask all the urban planners
out there as to how to start planning a city. wat r the factors to be
taken into account and wat subsystem shud we start working on first?
2012-07-31 11:51:12 UTC
Infosession on urban development and practice

As more people begin to live in urban areas, the concept of urbanisation is becoming increasingly important, especially in India. If you are interested in Urban Development then register for the infosession at 6:30 pm on 3rd August using the link provided and take part in a vibrant and stimulating discussion.
The session will consist of a broadcast of a panel discussion between IIHS experts accompanied by a chat session and a twitter conference between participants and IIHS Faculty on issues of urbanisation and features of urban practice.
We invite you to log on to the session at 6:30 PM on Friday,3rd August 2012. RSVP @

An interesting interactive map by BBC to understand how urbanisation has become a major phenomenon over the last 60 years! Interesting findings hope it benefits members here:

I am Ravi from Indian Institute for Human Settlements. IIHS is India’s first prospective independently funded and managed inter-disciplinary National University. I would like to join this group to interact on Urban Issues related to India.